Discovering Second Order Structure of Genome
Developing Electronic Carrier of Natural Wisdom
Managing Memory Out Brain in Universe and Superuniverse
Implementing Motion in Universe from Superuniverse
Marca Lifejoy is devoted to develop Machine Autonomy for collect, decode, and apply the intelligence derived from Natural Wisdom mechanism expression over the time in Machine Autonomy complementary empowered human capacity cognition conduct the working models.
The basic sense of the developing is belief Natural Wisdom is omnipresent within and response to all human activity; human grasp the intelligence of Natural Wisdom could act right and better. However, Natural Wisdom could be beyond human capacity of cognition modeling. So, derive applicable intelligence from study Natural Wisdom in whole could be objective partial modeling to result wrong applicable intelligence.
Marca Lifejoy devotes develop beyond human the Machine Autonomy capacity to complement empower human real work the application to derive intelligence of Natural Wisdom mechanism expression in human real work with the real work application oriented cognition model; to derive human applicable intelligence from Natural Wisdom expression in human real work to be as-is applicable intelligence to be verified and confirmed by objective facts of real work results; regardless whether the Natural Wisdom for the human real work is beyond human capacity to model or not.
This developing Machine Autonomy deriving applicable intelligence of Natural Wisdom without modeling Natural Wisdom is application oriented cognition. Different applicable intelligence could be derived from the same Natural Wisdom but never conflict because the intelligence is unique in application. Such as anti corona virus strategy intelligence and global missile bases defense strategy intelligence could be derived from the same Natural Wisdom for the complete different intelligence never conflict for complete different applications.
Marca Lifejoy devotes to derive anti corona virus strategy intelligence from Natural Wisdom mechanism for the relation of human and virus for human strategy of treat virus in right and better. The deriving work with the cognition model is from human capacity cognition already modeled DNA polynucleotide two strands of A, C, G, T nucleotide valued variable interaction with hypothesis of Natural Wisdom mechanism for the two strands interaction within each strand interaction with environment respectively; with the parallel two kinds of interaction over time to result gene mutation on the two strands for the DNA living existence; and from the intelligence of the DNA living work outcome of human capacity cognition already modeled single strand working to make protein for the significance of DNA living.
To prove the hypothesis could beyond human capacity of cognition modeling. However, reference DNA model with hypothesis could involve Natural Wisdom beyond human cognition capacity to model in defining anti corona virus application oriented cognition model for deriving strategy intelligence. Defining is just to define scientific research axioms for deriving intelligence of Natural Wisdom; no dependence on hypothesis proving; but the derived intelligence could be as-is expression of Natural Wisdom mechanism beyond human capacity modeling; and the as-is intelligence is verified and proven by the results of applying the as-is intelligence; regardless the as-is intelligence from the Natural Wisdom mechanism beyond human capacity to model or not.
Marca Lifejoy devotes the Machine Autonomy empowered cognition model for deriving applicable strategy intelligence of Natural Wisdom for anti corona virus is virus oriented symptom value the symptom variable the syndrome strand interaction with treat symptom the treat value the treat variable the treat formula strand; within syndrome and formula strands interact environment respectively. Syndrome strand interact the environment involve virus interact environment result the syndrome interact environment, and symptom to be treated the environment; and treat virus resulted virus causing symptom change the environment. Treat formula strand interact the environment involve human environment for treat symptom and virus response to the virus to be treated the environment. The reality facts have shown such two kinds parallel interactions over the time to result virus changing to cause syndrome changing and treat formula must change over the time. Machine Autonomy empower the cognition model huge data expression the treat formula changes revealed right useful formula pattern is no doubt the as-is applicable strategy intelligence of Natural Wisdom in human and virus interaction and in human and virus interact environment respectively; so the right useful formula pattern is as-is applicable intelligence of Natural Wisdom for human right and better treat virus; regardless whether express the as-is applicable intelligence the Natural Wisdom mechanism itself could be beyond human capacity of cognition to model or not.